Barberà del Vallès, Església parroquial de Santa Maria

parròquia de Santa Maria, 08210 Barberà del Vallès, Spain 🇪🇸
Builder Freiburger Orgelbau Späth
Year 2004
Period/Style Modern
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Unknown at 441.3 Hz a 20 °C Hz

The organ of Santa Maria de Barberà responds to the aesthetics of southern Germany in the late Baroque period. It was built by Sp'th Orgelbau in 2004 in Rapperswill, Switzerland.

It features two 56-note manual keyboards (C-gs) and a 30-note pedal keyboard (C-fs). It is mechanical traction with secret runners, one for each keyboard.

It has couplings of the two manual keyboards to the pedal and the coupling of the inner cadireta to the main organ, as well as a trèmul on the second keyboard.

I. Orgue major II. Cadireta interior Pedal
Additionals: II/I, II/P, I/P

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