Azzio, Parrocchia di Azzio

Via Cavour, 2, 21030 Azzio, Italy 🇮🇹
Builder Mascioni
Year 2016
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 11
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
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Azzio’s Convent Church marks a significant piece of Valcuvia’s valley history (province of Varese). And to Mascioni, a greater one still: the company was born right here. Thanks to generous donations the church has been totally restored, and now a new organ can again complete its artistic and musical life, too. Of two manuals and pedals, it’s a seventeenth-century Italian ripieno in the truest sense within a case to match. Drawn up by Maestro Lorenzo Ghielmi, the specification puts 17th century Baroque music as a target, notably the works of Bach, a musically spiritual leader if there ever was. Technically, a two manual suspended key action with a delicious responsive and light touch gives to the organist a perfect control. The very low wind pressure (47 mm in water column) together with a particular way of voicing (low mouth of the pipes and no nicks) gives to the sound a particularly richness in harmonics and we can say this instrument has resulted to be very inspiring and rich of soul.

The Sesquialtera stop has two variants: with only first rank engaged, which is the fifth, and with both ranks engaged. The manuals’ compass is from C to d3, pedal compass is from C to d1 – both with missed lowest C#.

Grande Organo Positivo Pedale
Principale 8' Bordone 8' Subbasso 16'
Flauto camino 8' Flauto conico 4' Trombone 16'
Ottava 4' Nazardo 3'
Sesquialtera 2 file Quintadecima 2'
Ripieno 3-4 file
Additionals: II/I, I/Ped, II/Ped, Tremolo

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