
V.Veneto,20, 21030 Azzio, Italy 🇮🇹
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1829 - ???
Still active? yes

The family business is currently in its sixth generation of leadership. It was founded in 1829 by Giacomo Mascioni (1811–1896) in Comacchio di Cuvio. His sons Anacleto (1837–1893), Bernardo (1844–1890), and Gaspare (1848–1893) joined the company. Bernardos's sons formed the third generation: Enrico (1867–1936), Tullio I (1869–1850), and Vincenzo I (1871–1953). The sons of Vincenzo I were Giacomo II. (1897–1975), Ernesto (1898–1980), Giovanni I (1905–1979), Angelo (1907–1969), Vincenzo II (1910–1975), and Tullio II. (1914–1999). The fifth generation consisted of Ernesto's sons Eugenio (* 1932), Enrico (1934–2021), and Mario (1937–2020), as well as Tullio II.'s son Giovanni II. (* 1946). Today, the management of the family business is in the hands of Eugenio's son Andrea (* 1965) and his cousin Giorgio (* 1966), Enrico's son.

For about 40 years, the company has also been involved in the restoration of historical organs. Among the most significant organs built and maintained by Mascioni are those of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome and the Cathedral of Florence.

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