Neuhaus, Emmauskirche

Bei der Kirche, 21785 Neuhaus, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder D. C. Gloger
Year 1745
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 19
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning 1/5 Comma Meantone at 470 Hz

The Gloger organ in the Emmaus Church of Neuhaus an der Oste was built in 1744/45 by the renowned organ builder Dietrich Christoph Gloger, who was born in Burgdorf near Hanover in 1702. Gloger, after becoming a citizen of Stade and marrying the widow of Arp Schnitger's pupil Nathanael Krusewitz, constructed this organ with 18 stops across two manuals and a pedal. It is notable for being the most intact and authentically preserved example of Gloger's work, particularly after restorations by the Hamburg organ workshop of Rudolf von Beckerath in 1972 and the restoration of the bellows in 1990.

Originally, Gloger had proposed a larger organ with 25 stops, but budget constraints required a reduction to 18 stops, eliminating the Rückpositiv. The organ has retained much of its original character, including its modified meantone temperament and authentic pipework. Over the centuries, the organ has undergone minor renovations, including one in 1791 by G.W. Wilhelmy, who added a Dulcian stop. Today, the organ is recognized for its historical significance and its well-preserved Baroque sound, making it an important cultural artifact.

Oberwerk (Hinterwerk, Man. I) Hauptwerk (Vorderwerk, Man. II) Pedal
Gedact 8' Quintadena 16' Subbass 16'
Flöta daus 4' Principal 8' Principal 8'
Nassat 3' Octave 4' Octave 4'
Gemshorn 2' Quinta 3' Mixtur 3f
Mixtur 4f Octave 2' Posaune 16'
Trompete 8' Sesquialtera 2f Trompete 8'
Dulzian 8'
Additionals: I/II, Zimbelstern, Tremulant

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