D. C. Gloger

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1705 - 1773
Still active? no

Dietrich Christoph Gloger (circa 1705–1773) was a German organ builder based in Stade. He was the son of Johann Heinrich Gloger, also an organ builder, and learned the trade alongside his brothers. By the early 1730s, Gloger was working as a principal journeyman under Erasmus Bielfeldt and later succeeded him. Gloger became a notable figure in Stade's organ-building community, gaining citizenship in 1734 and marrying the widow of Nathanael Krusewitz, a former student of Arp Schnitger. Gloger inherited Krusewitz's workshop, which had origins tracing back to Schnitger's legacy. He worked in Stade for four decades until his death and was buried in St. Wilhadi.

Gloger's work is notable for its diversity and individuality, reflecting various stylistic influences of the period, especially the Empfindsamkeit (sensitivity) movement. His surviving instruments, primarily located in the Elbe-Weser region, showcase this variety in their structure and disposition. Influenced by Schnitger through his master Bielfeldt and his own maintenance of Schnitger's instruments, Gloger continued this tradition while imparting his unique touch. Among his apprentices were Cornelius Geerds Wallies and Johann Matthias Schreiber, who continued the legacy of quality organ craftsmanship.

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