Dannenberg, Sankt Johannis

An der Kirche, 29451 Dannenberg, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder K. Schuke Berlin
Year 1972
Period/Style Modern
Stops 29
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical

The organ at St. Johannes der Täufer in Dannenberg, built by the Berlin organ-building workshop Karl Schuke between 1968 and 1974, features 29 registers across two manuals and a pedal. This instrument integrates a historic organ case from Wilhelm Heinrich Baethmann, dating back to 1801/1802, giving the organ a blend of modern mechanics and historical aesthetics.

In 1998/1999, the organ underwent a general cleaning and reconfiguration by the Rietzsch company. This included changes in its disposition, such as replacing the Cymbel with a Gambe 8’ in the Oberwerk and substituting the Quintadena 16’ with a Bordun 16’. Additionally, the entire organ was re-intoned to enhance its fundamental tones and overall sound richness, ensuring it meets contemporary performance standards while maintaining its historical charm.

Hauptwerk Oberwerk Pedal
Bordun 16' Gedackt 8' Subbaß 16'
Principal 8' Quintadena 8' Principal 8'
Rohrflöte 8' Gambe 8' Gedackt 8'
Oktave 4' Principal 4' Octave 4'
Nachthorn 4' Spitzflöte 4' Nachthorn 2'
Nasat 2 2/3' Waldflöte 2' Mixtur 4f 2'
Oktave 2' Quinte 1 1/3' Posaune 16'
Mixtur 4-6f 1 1/3' Sesquialtera 2f Trompete 8'
Trompete 8' Scharff 4f 1' Schalmei 4'
Dulcian 16'
Trichterregal 8'
Additionals: OW/HW, HW/Ped, OW/Ped, Tremulant Oberwerk, Cymbelstern

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