K. Schuke Berlin

Alt-Schönow 7b, 14165 Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1950 - ???
Still active? yes
Email info@schuke-berlin.de
Webpage https://schuke-berlin.de/

The Karl Schuke Berliner Orgelbauwerkstatt GmbH is a prominent German organ-building company based in Berlin. The company originated from the Alexander Schuke Orgelbauanstalt Potsdam, which was jointly managed by Karl Schuke and Hans-Joachim Schuke from 1933 to 1950. Due to the political climate in the post-war years, the Schuke brothers deemed it prudent to establish a branch in West Berlin. Consequently, in 1950, the Berliner Orgelbauwerkstatt was founded by their employee, Ernst Bittcher, as an offshoot of the Potsdam firm. In 1953, Karl Schuke took over the sole management of the Berlin workshop, which was subsequently renamed Karl Schuke Berliner Orgelbauwerkstatt GmbH. Initially operating out of a former carpentry shop in Berlin-Lichterfelde, the company moved to a new workshop building in Berlin-Zehlendorf in 1966.

In 1976, the company underwent a restructuring that included employees as shareholders. After Karl Schuke's death in 1987, the company's continuation was entrusted to the shareholders since none of Karl Schuke's four children were able or willing to join the business. Under the leadership of Martin Schwarz, the company continues to thrive, focusing on both new organ constructions and restorations. As of 2016, the company employs 28 people, maintaining its reputation for excellence in organ building.

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