Brussels, Église Notre-Dame des Victoires au Sablon (Orgue de chœur)

Église Notre-Dame Sablon, Rue de la Régence - Regentschapsstraat, Sablon - Zavel, Pentagon, 1000 Brussels, Belgium 🇧🇪
Builder R. Jacques
Year ca. 2011
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 8
Keyboards 1+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning 1/6 Comma Meantone

In recent years, and especially since the completion of its exterior restoration, the Church of Notre-Dame au Sablon has decided to give new impetus to its musical activities, particularly during liturgies.

To achieve this, small groups or solo vocal and instrumental performers play during services and concerts. To encourage these initiatives, the church authorities have had a second organ built between two columns of the nave, providing musicians with excellent acoustics and the audience with greater proximity.

This new instrument was designed to be both complementary to and compatible with the main organ. The main organ (Goynaut-Westenfelder 1763-1989) has a temperament with four pure thirds and excels in the French classical repertoire. The new organ, therefore, leans more towards German and even Italian styles, with a milder temperament (two pure thirds), allowing for the use of richer tonalities. However, their identical pitches and related temperaments allow the two organs to be played together or alternately.

This instrument, inaugurated in 2011, was built by Dinant organ builder Rudi Jacques, who employed traditional artisanal techniques. Enclosed by shutters, it features remarkable sculptures, including a well-hidden boat that recalls the legend of the Virgin stolen from Antwerp in 1348 and installed in the Sablon church after a journey along the Scheldt and the Senne.

Manual Pédale
Principal 8 Subbass 16
Gedackt 8
Praestant 4
Rohr Flöte 4
Octava 2
Mixtur IV
Sexquialtera II B + D
Additionals: Tirasse, Tremblant

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