R. Jacques

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1965 - ???
Still active? yes

Rudi Jacques, born in 1965 in Namur, Belgium, is a Belgian organist, harpsichordist, and organ builder. At the age of 7, he decided to learn the organ. While studying organ, music theory, and music history at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, he also delved into organ building in a small workshop in Dinant. Passionate about early music, he traveled extensively and furthered his knowledge under the tutelage of renowned musicians such as Xavier Darasse, Michel Chapuis, and Harald Vogel. He later received a scholarship for further studies with Bernard Lagacé in Montreal. In 1986, he was awarded the Vocation Foundation Prize and then specialized in the workshops of Barthélemy Formentelli in Verona, where he participated in several historical organ restoration projects in France and Italy. As both an organist and harpsichordist, he taught organ at the St. Grégoire Academy in Tournai and organ building at the IFMPE. In 1990, he established his own workshop in Maurenne (Hastière municipality) in the old village school, where, alongside his colleagues, he restored and built organs, specializing in the restoration of old organs and the construction of "nomadic" organs, which are easily transportable and designed to distribute organ music for concerts in various locations. He defines himself as a craftsman with a "stubborn temperament," describing himself as a simple self-taught person in search of "beautiful work."

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