Barcelona , Oratori de Sant Felip Neri (Orgue de cor)

Església de Sant Felip Neri , 08002 Barcelona , Spain 🇪🇸
Builder Organeria Española S.A
Year ca. 1891
Period/Style Classical
Keyaction electrical
Tuning Equal at 436.8 Hz a 20 °C Hz

It is unknown whether this organ originally had, on the second keyboard, the flute, nasard, third and cornet registers (compendium of the previous ones together with the flutes of 8' and 4'). As the organ is built, the secrets do not seem to be missing.

Currently, the organ works almost completely. It has some recurring failures due to the aging of the original electrical contacts.

No stoplist available.

No Video/Audio samples available.

No sources available.

Orgel Orgue Karte Orgelkarte Orgel Karte catalogue ergeles Kart