Organeria Española S.A

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1940 - 1974
Still active? no

Organería Española S.A. (OESA), founded post-Spanish Civil War under the leadership of Agustín González de Amezúa y Mayo, aimed to address the significant loss of organs in churches across Spain by either restoring or constructing new ones. With the rallying slogan "Un órgano para cada Yglesia, y cada Yglesia su órgano" (An organ for each Church, and each Church its organ), OESA was established in 1940 in Azpeitia in a building originally constructed in 1915 by Casa Eleizgaray y Cia. Ramón González de Amezúa, who also served as the Director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid, led the company as its director, with Rafael Puignau as the manager.

OESA, throughout its operation, federated with other notable firms such as Alberdi from Barcelona, which handled the regions of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, and Valencia, and Estadella. These partnerships helped OESA extend its reach and influence in organ building across Spain. Despite its initial success and significant contributions to Spanish liturgical music, Organería Española ceased operations in 1974-1975, marking the end of an era in Spanish organ craft and restoration.

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