West-Langenhorn, Sankt Laurentius

Sankt Laurentius, De Straat , 25842 West-Langenhorn, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder Paschen Kiel
Year ca. 1985
Period/Style Modern
Stops 30
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Modern Equal Temperament

The organ was constructed by Hinrich Otto Paschen in Kiel in 1985. This organ is a reconstruction of an organ built by Johann Daniel Busch in Itzehoe during the years 1758/61. Notably, the casing and prospect pipes of the original organ have been preserved, along with several other components that survived the new build by Marcussen in 1898.

In 1898, the Marcussen workshop erected a new organ behind the historical facade, which became silent since then and was preserved. This organ was deemed outdated in the 1980s and was reportedly also in poor condition. The original organ, made by Johann Daniel Busch in Itzehoe in 1758/61, including the prospect pipes of the main and pedal works, was preserved.

Hauptwerk (I) Brust (II) Pedalwerk
Quintadena 16' Holzgedact 8' Principahl 16'
Principahl 8' Principahl 4' Subbaß 16'
Gedact 8' Rohrfloite 4' Octave 8'
Octave 4' Octave 2' Gedectbaß 8'
Spitsfloize 4' Waldfloite 2' Octave 4'
Quinta 3' Quinta 1 1/2' Nachthorn 2'
Octave 2' Sexquialter Mixtur IV
Mixtur V Scharff IV Posaun 16'
Cimel III Hoboe 8' Trommet 8'
Trommet 8' Trommet 4'
Vox humana 8'
Additionals: Cimbelstern, Tremulant for both manuals, BW/HW, HW/Ped, BW/Ped

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