Walsrode, St.-Georg-Christophorus-Jodokus-Kirche

St.-Georg-Christophorus-Jokodus-Kirche, , 29664 Walsrode, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder J. Ahrend
Year ca. 1985
Period/Style Renaissance
Stops 12
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning 1/4 Comma Meantone at 466.16 Hz

The organ was constructed by Jürgen Ahrend of Leer-Loga, op. 118, as a Renaissance-style instrument in 1985/ around 1600. It was initially built by Andreas de Mare for the Thedinga Monastery in East Frisia. In 1609, Marten de Mare expanded it when the monastery was dissolved. The casing was reconstructed in Stellichte, with the original pipe work likely used elsewhere. In 1910, a new interior was installed. Jürgen Ahrend reconstructed it in 1985; several of the facade pipes are originally preserved.

I Hauptwerk II Brustwerk Pedal (attached to HW)
Gedackt 8′ Flöte 4′
Quintadena 8′ Hohlquint 3′ (ab c1)
Octave 4′ Flöte 2′
Gemshorn 4′ Regal 8′
Octave 2′
Nasat 11/2′
Sesquialtera 2f
Mixtur 4f
Additionals: Kanaltremulant, Zimbelstern


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