Uetersen, Klosterkirche

Klosterkirche, Kirchenstraße 9, 25436 Uetersen, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder R. v. Beckerath
Year 1978
Period/Style Modern
Stops 30
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical

The organ was constructed by Rudolf von Beckerath Orgelbau from Hamburg in 1978. According to Seggermann/Weidenbach, during the 1978 works, besides the case, old pipe material was also reused (originally from 1749 by Johann Diedrich Busch; Marcussen, Tolle). The console, stop mechanism, and wind chests were newly made at the time. Interestingly, Seggermann/Weidenbach mentions "stop mechanism" while also referring to the combined action. The playing aids also suggest an electric stop action. In 2011, three tongue registers were recreated. The organ uses a historical casing from Johann Dietrich Busch (Itzehoe) dating back to 1749.

Brustwerk schwellbar Hauptwerk Pedalwerk
Gedackt 8' Gedackt 16' Subbaß 16'
Quintadena 8' Prinzipal 8' Prinzipal 8'
Prinzipal 4' Gedackt 8' Gedackt 8'
Rohrflöte 4' Oktave 4' Quinte 5 1/3'
Spitzflöte 2' Spitzflöte 4' Oktave 4'
Sifflöte 1 1/3' Quinte 2 2/3' Nachthorn 2'
Sesquialtera II Oktave 2' Hintersatz IV
Scharf V Terz 1 3/5' Posaune 16'
Dulzian 8' Mixtur IV-VI Trompete 8'
Cimbel II
Trompete 8'
Vox humana 8'
Additionals: Cymbelstern, BW/HW, HW/Ped, BW/Ped, Tutti, 4 setters and a sequence combination, Tremulant Brustwerk schwellbar

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