Sulkava, Sulkavan kirkko

Kirkkotie 1, 58700 Sulkava, Finland 🇫🇮
Builder K. Urkutehdas
Year 1964
Period/Style Neo-Baroque
Stops 33
Keyboards 3+P
Keyaction electro-pneumatic
Tuning Equal at 440.0 Hz

The organ was constructed by Kangasalan Urkutehdas, under operation 738 in 1964. It was renovated by Sotkamon Urkurakentajat in 2013.

I Rückpositiv II Hauptwerk III Schwellwerk Pedal
Holzgedackt 8' Quintaden 16' Metallgedackt 8' Subbass 16'
Principal 4' Principal 8' Salicional 8' Principal 8'
Rohrflöte 4' Rohrflöte 8' Traversflöte 4' Gedackt 8'
Waldflöte 2' Oktave 4' Principal 2' Kupferflöte 4'
Nasat 1 1/3' Blockflöte 4' Sifflöte 1' Nachthorn 2'
Scharf 4f 1' Quinte 2 2/3' Sesquialter 1 3/5' 2 2/3' Mixtur 4f 2 2/3'
Krummhorn 8' Oktave 2' Zimbel 2f 1/2' Posaune 16'
Mixtur 6-8f 1 1/3' Schalmei 8' Trompete 8'
Trompete 8' Klarine 4'
Additionals: I/II, III/II, I/P, II/P, III/P., Tutti. 2 free combinations. General crescendo. Roller off. Tongues off. III. Manual in the swell box., Tremolo I Rückpositiv, Tremolo III Schwellwerk

No Video/Audio samples available.,_Kirche

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