K. Urkutehdas

Kangasala-talo, Kuohunharjuntie, 36200 Kangasala, Finland 🇫🇮
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1844 - 1983
Still active? no

Kangasalan urkutehdas was Finland's first organ factory and dominated the Finnish organ market for its time. Operating as a family business across four generations from 1844 to 1983, the factory produced over a thousand organs. It was a significant influence in Kangasala, often the largest industrial employer in the municipality. Many Finnish church organs and a large portion of school harmoniums were manufactured in Kangasala.

The factory began in 1844 when Anders Thulé, originally from Västmanland, Sweden, received the right to build organs. Initially more of a craftsman's workshop, Thulé built his first organs for Tammisaari Church and Kangasala Stone Church. His son, Bror Axel Thulé, expanded the workshop's capacity and mechanized production, creating notable instruments like the 33-register organ for Tampere's Alexander Church in 1885. Leadership passed to Bror Axel's son, Martti Tulenheimo, in 1911, under whom the factory grew to its current size and gained international recognition. Martti's son, Pertti Tulenheimo, later oversaw the factory when it became the largest in the Nordic countries, employing up to a hundred workers and building significant organs such as those for Finlandia Hall.

Despite its success, the factory went bankrupt in 1983. Organ building continued in Kangasala through Kangasalan Urkurakentamo Oy until 1995, when the last organ was delivered to the new church in Pirkkala.

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