Ratzeburg, Dom (Hauptorgel/Main Organ)

Ratzeburger Dom, Domhof 35, 23909 Ratzeburg, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder Rieger
Year ca. 1978
Period/Style Modern
Stops 64
Keyboards 4+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Equal at 440.0 Hz

The Organ was constructed by Gebrüder Rieger Orgelbau, Schwarzach (Vorarlberg) in 1978. The organ's predecessor instruments include the first organ in 1230, a new build in 1563 by Jacob Scherer, a swallow's nest organ by Albrecht Lewin in 1619, a creation by F.A. Mehmel, Stralsund in 1881 with three manuals and pedals/41 stops, and in 1902 the organ was updated by Barnim Grüneberg partly using parts of the previous instrument. There was also a remodeling by Kemper & Son in 1954 followed by a new build by Kemper in 1966. The current organ was newly built in 1978.

Additional enhancements were made in 1994 with the addition of a carillon (a musical instrument that is typically housed in the bell tower of a church) in the third manual. In 2013, there was a general revision done by Rieger.

I Rückpositiv II Hauptwerk III Schwellwerk IV Brustwerkschwellbar Pedalwerk
Prinzipal 8' Prinzipal 16' Bordun 16' Holzgedackt 8' Prinzipal 32'
Rohrflöte 8' Oktave 8' Holzprinzipal 8' Holzrohrflöte 4' Prinzipal 16'
Quintade 8' Spitzflöte 8' Bleigedackt 8' Prinzipal 2' Subbaß 16' [k]
Oktave 4' Oktave 4' Gamba 8' Terzsept IV 13/5' Oktav 8'
Koppelflöte 4' Nachthorn 4' Schwebung 8' Zimbel II 1/3' Gedackt 8' [k]
Gemshorn 2' Quinte 22/3' Oktave 4' Regal 16' Oktav 4'
Quinte 11/3' Superoktave 2' Blockflöte 4' Vox Humana 8' Rohrpfeife 4' [k]
Sesquialter 22/3' Cornett 8' Viola 4' Rauschpfeife VI 22/3'
Scharf IV 1' Mixtur maior VI 2' Nasat 22/3' Kontrafagott 32'
Rankett 16' Mixtur minor IV 2/3' Waldflöte 2' Bombarde 16'
Krummhorn 8' Fagott 16' Terz 13/5' Posaune 8'
Zimbelstern in G (5 Glocken) Trompete 8' Sifflet 1' Schalmei 4' [k]
Spanische Trompete 8' Mixtur VI 22/3' Rauschwerk
Spanische Trompete 4' Dulzian 16'
Glockenspiel in C (5 Glocken) Oboe 8'
Franz. Trompete 8'
Carillon (37 bronze bells)
Additionals: Zimbelstern 5 Glocken, III/I, I/II, III/II, IV/II, I/Ped, II/Ped, III/Ped, IV/Ped, Sperrventil Großpedal, Mechanical combination stops, - Principals together ON/OFF: Pedal 16', 8', 4'; Great Organ 8', 4', 2', - Mixtures ON/OFF: Ped Rauschpfeife; HW: Mixtur maior, Mixtur minor, - Reeds ON/OFF: Ped: 16', 8'; HW 16', 8', Tremulant I Rückpositiv, Tremulant III Schwellwerk, Tremulant IV Brustwerkschwellbar, Tremulant Kleinpedal (=[k]) Pedalwerk


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