Minden, St. Martini

Sankt Martini, Hohe Straße , 32423 Minden, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder G. Steinmann
Year ca. 1966
Period/Style Neo-Baroque
Stops 40
Keyboards 3+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Equal Temperament at 440.0 Hz

The organ was constructed by Gustav Steinmann, Vlotho. It was a new construction that supplemented and transformed the existing substance according to the plans of Frank-Harald Greß from Dresden, aiming to recreate the condition of the organ in 1749. The main and Rückpositiv case were reconstructed in 1965-1966.

The oldest information about the organ in St. Martini dates back to 1530. In 1591, a new organ was built by an unknown organ builder. The case of the Rückpositiv and some pipes remain preserved to this day. In 1749, a major remodeling was done by Johann Joseph Mencke from Osnabrück. Parts of the main case and pipe work were preserved.

In 1891, a time-typical remodeling was done by the company Furtwängler & Hammer from Hanover, significantly altering the casing. In 1946, another remodeling was carried out by Emil Hammer, Hannover, in the style of the neo-baroque. The casing was restored to its original form in 1966 by Steinmann, Vlotho. All registers originating from the Renaissance and Baroque periods were preserved.

In 1990, Franz Rietzsch from Hemmingen retuned the organ. In 2006, two more pedal registers were added.

In 1747, a baroque-style main work was created by organ builder Mencke from Beckum.

I Rückpositiv II Hauptwerk III Brustwerk Pedal
Prinzipal 8′ Prinzipal 16′ Holzgedackt 8′ Prinzipal 16′
Gedackt 8′ Quintade 16′ Gedackt 4′ Subbass 16′
Oktave 4′ Oktave 8′ Prinzipal 2′ Oktave 8′
Spitzflöte 4′ Rohrflöte 8′ Sesquialtera II 22/3′ Gedackt 8′
Nasat 22/3′ Oktave 4′ Quinte 11/3′ Oktave 4′
Rohrflöte 2′ Rohrflöte 4′ Zimbel III Holzpfeife 4′
Terz 13/5′ Quinte 22/3′ Regal 8′ Große Mixtur VI
Oktave 1′ Oktave 2′ Posaune 16′
Mixtur V Mixtur V-VI Trompete 8′
Dulzian 16′ Scharf III Trompete 4′
Krummhorn 8′ Trompete 16′
Trompete 8′
Additionals: I/II, III/II, I/P, II/P, Tremulants for RP and BW.


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