G. Steinmann

Salzuflener Straße 160a, 32602 Vlotho, Germany 🇩🇪
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1910 - ???
Still active? yes
Webpage https://gustav-steinmann-orgelbau.de

Gustav Steinmann Orgelbau is an organ-building workshop located in Wehrendorf, within the city of Vlotho. Founded in 1910 by Gustav Steinmann (1885–1953) from Steinbründorf, who trained at P. Furtwängler & Hammer in Hannover, the company is now in its fourth generation. The first church organ created by the workshop was in 1911 for the Evangelical Christuskirche in Greven. Between 1919 and 1939, the company produced over 100 organs and approximately 1500 harmoniums, with 15 organs being exported to the Netherlands between 1923 and 1933.

During the 1920s, Steinmann became part of the organ movement, which advocated for a return to Baroque organ building traditions. The 1928 Steinmann organ in the Pauluskirche in Bielefeld was the largest organ of that era in Germany. In the 1950s, the workshop developed a distinctive style of small to medium-sized neobaroque slider chest organs, which were produced in large numbers. Many of these organs were delivered to churches in the East Westphalia-Lippe region. Since 1945, almost all new organs built in the Vlotho church district, according to the principles of the organ movement, have been from Steinmann. The company also specializes in the reconstruction of old organs using historical building methods.

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