Görlitz, Stadtkirche St. Peter und Paul

Bei der Peterskirche 9, 02826 Görlitz, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder Mathis AG
Year ca. 2021
Period/Style Modern
Stops 95
Keyboards 4+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Neidhardt III at 440.0 Hz
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The Stadtkirche St. Peter und Paul in Görlitz, founded in the 13th century and completed in 1497, features a highly reverberant space with a central nave flanked by four aisles. After a fire in 1691, a new organ was commissioned and completed in 1703 by Eugenio Casparini and his son, featuring 57 stops on 3 manuals, making it one of the largest in Silesia. The organ case, designed by Johann Conrad Büchau, included 17 golden suns functioning as a pedal cornet-mixture, known as the "Sonnenorgel."

Johann Sebastian Bach famously criticized the organ for its tough tracker touch, claiming it required the strength of a horse to play. Over time, only the Cypress-wood pipes of the Onda maris from the original Casparini organ have survived. In 1894, Schlag and Sons rebuilt the organ, and in 1928, Sauer installed an electro-pneumatic organ with 89 stops into the historical case.

Between 1980-1992, the church underwent interior restoration, and plans were made for a new organ that would respect the historical case while being suitable for a broader range of music. The Swiss company Mathis Orgelbau constructed this new organ in 1997, inspired by Casparini's baroque concept but with additional capabilities, including a swell manual.

The organ, updated in 2021, has undergone several repairs and renovations over the years:

- 1827-29: Repair and renovation by Joseph Schinke and Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Buckow.
- 1845-1847: Expansion by Friedrich Nikolaus Jahn.
- 1894: New construction by Schlag & Söhne, reusing some old registers.
- 1926-1928: Complete rebuild by W. Sauer, preserving the old casing but adding new electromechanical action and 89 registers.
- 1997: New construction by Mathis, using some Sauer wooden pipes and expanding to 64 registers.
- 2004: Reconstruction of the 'Sonnenmixtur', bringing the total to 65 registers.
- 2006: Completion of the second building phase, including swell work, bringing the total to 88 registers.
- 2021: Addition of three new pedal registers and removal of a 2-fold noise pipe, resulting in 90 registers.

Future plans for 2024 include the addition of Spanish trumpets, increasing the total to 93 registers, with an inauguration planned for Pentecost 2024.

I Hauptwerk II Oberwerk III Schwellwerk IV Brustwerk Pedal
Principal 16' Quintadena 16' Bordun 16' Gedackt 8' Gross Eisenberg 64'
Groß-Octava 8' Principal 8' Salicional 16' Praestant 4' Gross Principal-Baß 32'
Viol di Gamba 8' Grob-Gedackt 8' Diapason 8' Gedackte Fleut Doux 4' Unter-Satz 32'
Hohl-Flöt 8' Qvintadena 8' Doppel-Flöt 8' Nassat 3' Principal-Baß 16'
Rohr-Flöt 8' Onda Maris 8' Bordun 8' Octava 2' Contra-Baß 16'
Fiffaro 8' Octava 4' Viola Pomposa 8' Gemss-Horn 2' Sub-Baß 16'
Rohr-Flöt-Qvint 6' Rohr-Flöt 4' Gamba 8' Tertia 1 1/2' Basso Dolcissimo 16'
Octava 4' Sedecima 2' Vox Coelestis 8' Qvint-Nassat 1 1/2' Gross-Qvinten-Baß 10 2/3'
Spitz-Flöt 4' Glöcklein-Thon 2' Principal 4' Super-Sedecima 1' Octav-Baß 8'
Salicet 4' Vigesima Nona 1 1/3' Travers-Flöt 4' Scharff-Mixtur 3f. 1 1/3' Gemß-Horn-Baß 8'
Qvinta 2 2/3' Zynk 2f. 2 2/3' Viola d'Amore 4' Hobois 8' Jubal-Flöt 8'
Super-Octava 2' Scharff Cymbel 3f. 1' Spitz-Flöt 3' Super-Octav-Baß 4'
Mixtur 4f. 2' Cornetti 3f. 5 1/3' Piccolo 2' Jubal-Flöt 4'
Cymbel 3f. 1 1/3' Krumb-Horn 8' Violine 2' Bauer-Flöt 2'
Cornet 5f. 8' Schalmey 4' Mixtur 5f. 2' Mixtur 6f. 2 2/3'
Bombart 16' Trompeta magna D 16' Harmonia aetheria 3f. 2 2/3' Contra-Posaunen 32'
Trompet 8' Trompeta de Batalla B/D 8' Bombarde 16' Posaunen 16'
Clarin 4' Clarin claro D 8' Trompette harmonique 8' Fagotti 16'
Bajoncillo B/D 4' Hautbois 8' Trompeten-Baß 8'
Chirimia B 2' Voix humaine 8' Tromba 8'
Orlos 8' Clarinette 8' Clarinen-Baß 4
Clairon 4' Vox Angelica 2'
Sonnenmixtur 12f. + Tromba 8'
Additionals: : II/I, III/I, IV/I, IV/II, IV/III, III/II, I-P, II-P, III-P, IV-P, Super III/P, Sub III/I, Sub III/III, EW/HW, EW/OW, EW/SW, EW/P, Crescendowalze, Tutti, Setter system with 1000 combinations per USB stick., Tremulant II, Tremulant III, Tremulant IV, Cymbelstern ("Rotating Sun"), Nachtigall, Vogel-Gesang, Tamburo 16' (death-drum), Kuckuck

1441773988-Fedak - Like the First Bird 1
1444000336-Chauvet - Grand Choeur en mi b mol majeur G rlitz


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