Częstochowa, Katedra pw. Świętej Rodziny (Main Organ)

Katedra pw. Świętej Rodziny, Krakowska 18, 42-202 Częstochowa, Poland 🇵🇱
Builder Biernacki
Year ca. 1949
Period/Style Neo-Baroque
Stops 103
Keyboards 5
Keyaction pneumatic

The organ was constructed by Dominik Biernacki between 1946 and 1949 in the late-Romantic style. A few years later, a horizontal trumpet was installed. The organ system was expanded to include a choir organ in 1956 and connected with two consoles - one located at the main organ, and the other in the nave. It is one of the largest organs in Poland.

I. Manuał II. Manuał III. Manuał IV. Manuał Pedał
Pryncypał 16' Kwintaton 16' Flet major 16' Gedekt 16' Subkontrabas 32'
Bourdon 16' Pryncypał 8' Pryncypał włoski 8' Pryncypał skrzypcowy 8' Pryncypałbas 16'
Pryncypał 8' Gamba 8' Dubeltflet 8' Amabilis 8' Subbas 16'
Róg kozi 8' Koncertflet 8' Bourdon 8' Rurflet 8' Wiolonbas 16',
Flet otwarty 8' Flet kryty 8' Viola orsch 8' Viola d'amor 8' Harmoniczny bas 16'
Salicet 8' Silwestrina 8' Aeolina 8' Praestant 4' Echobas 16'
Gedekt 8' Bachflet 8' Vox coelestis 8' Róg nocny 4' Kwintbas 10 2/3'
Fugara 8' Oktawa 4' Flet harmoniczny 8' Trawersflet 4' Oktawbas 8'
Flet dolce 8' Flet kryty 4' Oktawa 4' Nassart 2 2/3' Cello 8'
Kwintaton 8' Flet otwarty 4' Róg kozi 4' Sesquialtera 2 2/3' Salicetbas 8'
Nasard 5 1/3' Fugara 4' Flet kryty 4' Flet 2' Bourdonbas 8'
Oktawa 4' Kwintflet 2 2/3' Cremona 4' Tercja 1 3/5' Nsassard 5 2/3'
Viola 4' Flageolet 2' Kwinta 2 2/3' Scharf 4 chóry Oktawa 4'
Flet minor 4' Tercflet 1 3/5' Pikolo 2' Regal 8' Flet 4'
Rurflet 4' Superkwinta 1 1/3' Tercja 1 3/5' Klarnet 8' Tercja 1 3/5'
Kwintflet 2 2/3' Róg nocny 1' Septima 1 1/7' Harfa Kornet 4'
Superoktawa 2' Progresja 2' Flageolet 1' Dzwony Bombardon 32'
Pikolo 2' Kornet 8' Kornet mixtura 4' Puzon 16'
Tercja 1 3/5' Mixtura 2 2/3' Terccymbel 3 chóry Trąba 8'
Cymbel 1/2' Basson 16' Obój 8'
Mixtura 2' Tuba mirabilis 8' Fagot 16'
Trompet 8' Clairon 4'
Trompet 16'
Trąbka hiszpańska 8'
Additionals: IV/I, III/I, II/I; IV/II, III/II; IV/III; IV/P, III/P, II/P, I/P, Super IV/I, Super III/I, Super II/I, Super I/I; Super IV/II, Super III/II, Super II/II; Super IV/III, Super III/III, Schwelltritt III, IV; Crescendowalze, Fixed Combination: Piano, Forte, Tutti, 2 free combinations, Choir organ on/off, Ped. piano ab, Zungenabsteller, Individual disabler for Trąbka hiszpańska., Tremolo III. Manuał, Tremolo IV. Manuał

No Video/Audio samples available.,_Kathedralbasilika_der_Heiligen_Familie_(Hauptorgel)

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