
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1859 - 1966
Still active? no

The Biernacki family is a notable Polish lineage of organ builders whose influence spread across Poland, Lithuania, and Russia. They produced approximately 300 instruments throughout their active years. The family's patriarch, Hugo Ernest Biernacki from Skępe, born in 1829 and tragically died in 1884 due to an accident during an organ acceptance at the age of 35, established the “Biernacki” organ workshop around 1859 in Osiek after obtaining his master's diploma in Elbląg under August Terletzki. After his untimely death, his workshop was taken over by his son, Dominik I Biernacki (1870–1928), who was only 14 years old at the time.

As demand for their organs increased, Dominik I expanded the business by acquiring the Wacław Przybyłowicz workshop in Płock and building a new factory in Dobrzyń nad Wisłą in 1900, eventually employing about 80 people and making it one of the largest organ manufacturing facilities in Poland. He earned the title of a supplier to the Tsarist court in 1901, which led to further expansion into Russia. In 1908, a branch was established in Vilnius, initially managed by his younger brother, Wacław I Biernacki (1878–1954), after his professional training. Dominik I relocated the facility from Dobrzyń to Włocławek in 1914, and following his death, the business continued under his sons, Wacław II, Dominik II, and his son-in-law and apprentice, Stefan Truszczyński, who ultimately bought out the firm in 1934 and led it until his death in 1966.

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