Berlin, Musikinstrumentenmuseum (Wurlitzer Organ)

Musikinstrumenten-Museum, Tiergartenstraße 1, 10785 Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder Wurlitzer
Year ca. 1929
Period/Style Romantic
Stops 157
Keyboards 4+P
Keyaction electrical
Tuning Equal

The organ was constructed in 1929 by the Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, bearing the opus number 2064. The instrument was custom-built for Werner Ferdinand von Siemens and was originally installed in the Siemens Concert Hall in Berlin. After being damaged in a fire in 1963, the organ was restored and became property of the State Institute for Music Research in 1982. After a further restoration by the Walcker Company in 1984, it was installed in the exhibition hall. The organ is a classic example of a cinema organ and contains 129 pipe registers drawn from 16 ranks of pipes, using the multiplex principle. Moreover, this particular instrument is the largest Wurlitzer organ in Europe!

I Accompainment II Great III Orchestral IV Solo Pedal
Contra Viol 16' Diaphone 16' Diaphone 16' Contra Gamba 16' Diaphone 16'
Burdon 16' Contra Gamba 16' Contra Gamba 16' Tibia clausa 16' Contra Gamba 16'
Lieblich Burdon 16' Contra Viol 16' Tibia clausa 16' Diaphonic Diapason 8' Tibia clausa 16'
Diaphonic Diapason 8' String 16' Bourdon 16' Gamba 8' Burdon 16'
Tibia clausa 8' Tibia clausa 16' Diaphonic Diapason 8' String 8' Lieblich Burdon 16'
Flute 8' Burdon 16' Tibia clausa 8' String celeste 8' Octave 8'
Lieblich Gedackt 8' Lieblich Bourdon 16' Flute 8' Quintadena 8' Tibia clausa 8'
Quintadena 8' Diaphonic Diapason 8' Lieblich Gedackt 8' Octave 4' Flute 8'
Gamba 8' Flute 8' Quintadena 8' Piccolo 4' Lieblich Gedackt 8'
Viol d'orchestre 8' Tibia clausa 8' Gamba 8' Gambette 4' Gamba 8'
Viol celeste 8' Lieblich Gedackt 8' Viol d'orchestre 8' Ophicleide 16' String 8'
String 8' Gamba 8' Viol celeste 8' Trumpet 8' String celeste 8'
String celeste 8' Viol d'orchestre 8' String 8' Tuba Horn 8' Flute 4'
Octave 4' Viol celeste 8' String celeste 8' Clarinet 8' Ophicleide 16'
Flute 4' String 8' Octave 4' Oboe Horn 8' Tuba Horn 8'
Tibia 4' String celeste 8' Piccolo 4' Orchestral Oboe 8' Clarinet 8'
Piccolo 4' Octave 4' Flute 4' Clairon 4' Nebenregister
Viol d'orchestre 4' Flute 4' Lieblich Flute 4' Tympani
Viol Celeste 4' Lieblich Flute 4' Gambette 4' Tympani (Roll)
Twelfth 22/3' Piccolo 4' Viol d'orchestre 4' Bass Drum
Piccolo 1st 2' Viol celeste 4' Viol celeste 4' Snare Drum
Piccolo 2nd 2' Viol d'orchestre 4' Tibia 2' Kettle Drum
Vox humana 16' Twelfth 1st 22/3' Piccolo 1st 2' Crash Cymbal
Tuba Horn 8' Twelfth 2nd 22/3' Piccolo 2nd 2' Gong
Oboe Horn 8' Piccolo 1st 2' Ophicleide 16'
Orchestral Oboe 8' Piccolo 2nd 2' Trumpet 8'
Clarinet 8' Tierce 13/5' Tuba Horn 8'
Vox humana 8' Ophicleide 16' Clarinet 8'
Vox humana 4' Clarinet 16' Oboe Horn 8'
Marimba Vox humana 16' Orchestral Oboe 8'
Harp Trumpet 8' Clairon 4'
Chrysoglott Tuba Horn 8' Xylophone
Snare Drum Orchestral Oboe 8' Cathedral Chimes
Tambourine Clarinet 8' Glockenspiel
Castanets Vox humana 8' Bells
Chinese Block Clairon 4'
Sand Block Marimba 8'
Tom Tom Xylophone
Cathedral Chimes
Sleigh Bells
Additionals: IV/I, IV/II, I/P, II/P, III/P, IV/P, Sub II/II, Super II/II,_Musikinstrumentenmuseum_(Wurlitzer-Orgel)

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