Altötting, Stiftskirche St. Philippus und Jakobus

Sebastianskapelle, Kapellplatz , 84503 Altötting, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder T. Jann
Year ca. 2000
Period/Style Modern
Stops 51
Keyboards 3+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical

The organ was constructed by Thomas Jann under the opus number 236 in the year 2000. Its design was inspired by the works of Johann Georg Fux from 1724.

Hauptwerk (I) Pedal Positiv (II) Schwellwerk (III)
Principal 16' Untersatz 32' Prinzipal 8' Bourdon 16'
Principal 8' Principal 16' Gedackt 8' Principal 8'
Gamba 8' Violon 16' Praestant 4' Salicional 8'
Flauto 8' Subbaß 16' Blockflöte 4' Soloflöte 8'
Octav 4' Octav 8' Quint 2 2/3' Rohrflöte 8'
Holzflöte 4' Gemshorn 8' Waldflöte 2' Vox Celeste 8'
Quint 2 2/3' Octav 4' Terz 1 3/5' Traversflöte 4'
Superoctav 2' Hintersatz 4 fach (2 2/3') Quint 1 1/3' Fugara 4'
Cornett 5 fach (8') Posaune 16' Mixtur 4 fach (1 1/3') Quint 2 2/3'
Mixtur Major 4 fach (2') Trompete 8' Krummhorn 8' Piccolo 2'
Mixtur Minor 2-3 fach (1') Zimbelstern Terz 1 3/5'
Trompete 16' Glockenspiel Mixtur 5-6 fach (2')
Trompete 8' Fagott 16'
Trompette Harmonique 8'
Oboe 8'
Clairon Harmonique 4'
Additionals: 3 Default Combinations, 4x512 Custom Combinations, Crescendo-Walze, Tremulant Hauptwerk (I), Tremulant Positiv (II), Tremulant Schwellwerk (III)

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