T. Jann

Allkofen 208, 84082 Laberweinting, Germany 🇩🇪
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1974 - ???
Still active? yes
Email info@jannorgelbau.de
Webpage https://www.jannorgelbau.de

Thomas Jann Orgelbau GmbH is a German company specializing in organ building. It was founded by Georg Jann, who learned his craft with Alexander Schuke in Potsdam and later worked as an intoner at Orgelbau Sandtner in Dillingen. In 1974, Georg Jann took over Eduard Hirnschrodt's company in Regensburg. The company completed its first organ, Opus 1, in Schlicht near Vilseck in 1975 and reached Opus 282 by 2012. In 1980, the company relocated to larger premises in Laberweinting, Lower Bavaria, creating stylistically diverse new organs for churches and concert halls that blend traditional and modern elements. Since 1987, the company has also operated a restoration department.

Thomas Jann, the current managing director, joined the company in 1986 after training with Richard Rensch and passing his master craftsman examination in Ludwigsburg in 1990. He became the managing director of Thomas Jann Orgelbau GmbH in 1995. Since 1999, he has been a certified restorer in organ and harmonium building, and since September 1999, a publicly appointed and sworn expert by the Chamber of Crafts for Lower Bavaria and Upper Palatinate.

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