T. Brunner

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1602 - 1665
Still active? no

Tobias Brunner, a notable German organ builder from the Baroque period, was born and baptized on August 23, 1602, in Hormersdorf, Saxony. He trained under Gottfried Fritzsche in Ottensen and worked as Fritzsche's apprentice, contributing to significant projects such as the organs for the Hauptkirche Beatae Mariae Virginis in Wolfenbüttel between 1620 and 1624, and later at St. Maria Magdalena in Hamburg in 1629. In 1631, Brunner married Sybilla, the daughter of his master, and subsequently moved to Lunden around 1632, where he established his own workshop and raised five children.

Brunner's legacy includes some of the oldest playable organs in Schleswig-Holstein; notably, one from 1642 in St. Martin's Church in Tellingstedt, which holds the distinction of being the oldest playable organ in the region. Another of his works resides in St. Secundus Church in Hennstedt. His contributions to organ building are remembered for their historical and musical significance, though his exact date of death is speculated to be around 1665. His organs are celebrated not only for their longevity and craftsmanship but also for preserving the baroque musical heritage of Germany.

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