
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1705 - 1881
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The Schulze family was a prominent dynasty of German organ builders active from the early 18th century to the late 19th century, deeply influencing the craft in regions such as Thuringia and later across Europe. The lineage began with Hans Heinrich Schulze, whose organ-building activities date back to 1705 in Cottendorf. The family's workshop moved locations over the generations, from Solsdorf around 1750, to Milbitz until 1826, and finally to Paulinzella, where it remained until 1881.

Johann Friedrich Schulze, born in 1793 in Milbitz, emerged as a pivotal figure in the family's history, propelling the Schulze name into renown across Europe alongside contemporaries like Eberhard Friedrich Walcker. After training under Johann Benjamin Witzmann, Johann Friedrich took over the family business following his father Johann Andreas's death in 1806, relocating the firm to Paulinzella in 1826. Under his leadership, the business flourished, known for its innovative and prolific output. After his death, his sons, particularly Edmund and Eduard Schulze, continued the legacy until the firm's dissolution in 1881 following the deaths of its key figures. The Schulze organs are noted for their contributions to the German Romantic organ style, with some family members, like Edmund, significantly influencing organ building in England.

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