P. Müller

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1582 - 1631
Still active? no

Paul Müller (* circa 1582, † after 1631) was a German organ builder who made significant contributions in Sweden. Originating from Spandau near Berlin, Müller was invited by the German Organ Builders' Association in Stockholm in 1607 to construct a new organ for the German Church there. Parts of this instrument still exist in Övertorneå, making it the oldest organ in Sweden. Replicas of the expanded 1651 version of this organ can be found in its original location in Stockholm and in Norrfjärden.

Müller was responsible for at least five other new organ constructions in Sweden. His work significantly impacted the Swedish organ landscape, with his organs being notable for their craftsmanship and historical importance. His legacy is preserved through these instruments, reflecting the early German influence on Swedish organ building.

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