Kuhn AG

Seestrasse 141, 8708 Männedorf, Switzerland 🇨🇭
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1864 - ???
Still active? yes
Webpage https://www.orgelbau.ch

Orgelbau Kuhn AG is a Swiss organ-building company based in Männedorf, in the canton of Zurich. The company was founded in 1864 by Johann Nepomuk Kuhn after the local Reformed Church needed a new organ, which was supplied and installed by the German firm E. F. Walcker & Cie. from Ludwigsburg. Johann Nepomuk Kuhn and Heinrich Spaich, employees of Walcker, stayed in Männedorf to maintain the organ and later decided to establish their own organ-building workshop there. The founding of the company was welcomed by the local community leaders as it promoted local craftsmanship.

In the following decades, Orgelbau Kuhn, alongside its competitor Friedrich Goll, became a dominant force in Swiss organ building. Carl Theodor Kuhn, Johann's son, took over the management in 1888 and expanded the business by establishing a branch in Nancy, France, in 1906, following the earlier branch in Bellegarde. The Bellegarde branch merged with Charles Michel Merklin in Lyon in 1907. In 1925, the company was restructured into the "Orgelbau Th. Kuhn Aktiengesellschaft."

The company resumed exporting new organs in 1958, and under the directorship of Friedrich Jakob from 1967, it established a dedicated restoration department in 1974. By 1979, Orgelbau Kuhn was increasingly involved in international restoration projects. The focus on exporting new organs intensified from 1988 onwards, and in 2000, the company's name was changed to "Orgelbau Kuhn AG."

Today, Orgelbau Kuhn AG is a joint-stock company registered in the Zurich Commercial Register with a share capital of 1.5 million Swiss Francs. The company is a member of the Association of Swiss Organ Builders (GSO) and the International Society of Organbuilders (ISO). Hans-Peter Keller serves as the Managing Director and Technical & Design Manager, Gunter Böhme leads the Sound & Restoration division, and Markus Hahn is in charge of Organ Maintenance. Dieter Utz is the President of the Board of Directors.

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