
Ostertagstr. 20, 71229 Leonberg, Germany 🇩🇪
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1986 - ???
Still active? yes
Email info@orgelbau-muehleisen.de
Webpage https://orgelbau-muehleisen.de/

Orgelbau Mühleisen is an organ building company founded by Konrad Mühleisen in 1986 in Leonberg. The roots of the family business trace back to Ernest Mühleisen, who established his own organ workshop in Strasbourg in 1941, named Manufacture d’Orgues Muhleisen. Ernest's brother, Gotthold Mühleisen, was a plant manager at Orgelbau Friedrich Weigle, where Konrad also worked. Following the dissolution of Weigle in 1985, Konrad Mühleisen, alongside former Weigle colleagues, started his own company in Leonberg.

Since its inception, Orgelbau Mühleisen has completed over 100 new organ constructions and has also undertaken numerous restorations of historical instruments. As of 2019, the company employed 22 people, reflecting its growth and continued dedication to the craft of organ building.

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