
Breitenbacher Straße 399, 57074 Siegen, Germany 🇩🇪
Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1976 - ???
Still active? yes

Hans Peter Mebold, born in 1942 in Siegen-Weidenau, displayed an early interest in music, taking piano lessons and building an organ portative as a school project. He pursued a career in organ building, training at Dentler in Siegen and later working with other companies and at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg. Mebold received his master craftsman certification in 1972. In 1976, he established his own business in Frauenberg near Marburg, initially working alone. By 1979, he moved back to Siegerland, setting up in a workshop in Siegen-Bürbach.

In 1985, Mebold celebrated the opening of a custom-built workshop in Siegen-Breitenbach. The workshop grew to include five employees, focusing on both new organ construction and the restoration of historical instruments. Mebold's approach emphasized collaboration with communities and musicians, fostering a strong reputation in the organ building field. Tragically, Hans Peter Mebold passed away in 2001 due to cancer. His legacy continued under the leadership of Tobias Späth until 2016, and later his son Mathias Mebold, who took over in 2018 after extensive training and experience in organ building.

Over 40 years, the Mebold workshop has built 50 new organs and carried out 25 major restorations, maintaining its commitment to quality and historical preservation in organ building. The workshop remains a reliable partner for many congregations, providing maintenance, renovations, and repairs.

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