C. Lund

Founded/Born - Closed/Death 1940 - ???
Still active? yes

Carsten Lund, born in 1940, trained at the now-defunct Frederiksborg Orgelbyggeri in Hillerød, founded by former Frobenius employee Troels Krohn. Lund is considered a second-generation successor to the Frobenius organ builders. His company, Carsten Lund Orgelbyggeri, was established in 1966, and he brings a distinct craftsmanship influenced by Danish post-war furniture architecture, integrating principles from designers like Kaare Klint and Mogens Koch. Lund's initial inspiration and shaping in the craft came during his apprenticeship from 1963 to 1966 with the renowned organ builder and architect Poul-Gerhard Andersen, a leading figure in the Danish “Orgelbewegung” (Organ Movement) that sought to elevate the craftsmanship and aesthetic standards of organs to match those from the eras of Buxtehude and Bach.

This movement, however, was later criticized for its dogmatic and uninspired approach, especially as it led to a surge of standardized organs during the 1980s. Despite this, there have been notable exceptions that have stood out internationally. Carsten Lund, recognized as a leading figure in what might be termed “Orgelbewegung 2.0,” has experimented extensively with classical organ-building techniques such as using hammered lead, unequal temperaments, one-armed hanging mechanics, and live wind supply from large wedge bellows. His approach integrates a strong desire for expressive sound and robust, minimalist architecture. Notably, in his later years, Lund has ventured into new sound concepts with the Helleruplund organ, embracing late-romantic sonorities quite different from the baroque aesthetic that has characterized most of his work, demonstrating his willingness to innovate even as he ages.

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