Ģipka, Ģipkas luterāņu baznīca

Kungu ceļš, Rūpnieki, 3264 Ģipka, Latvia 🇱🇻
Builder M. Kresling
Year 1884
Period/Style Romantic
Stops 7
Keyboards 1+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Equal at 436 Hz

It is possible that the organ was not originally built for Rojas Church but was relocated from another place.

Above the keyboards on the console, there is an oval porcelain plate with the inscription: “Orgelbauerei von MARTIN KRESLING in Jacobstadt ? 21”. It is known that Martin Krēsliņš's organ, numbered 18, was consecrated on October 16, 1883, in the Bārbele Lutheran Church. Therefore, the Rojas organ could be dated to 1883 or 1884.

The largest pipe of the Flöte 4' register bears the inscription “H. Dinsberge Dondagen 1886”, confirming Ansis Dinsbergs's work on the instrument.

Inside the organ case, there is an inscription: “Gestimmt und Renoviert 26 Sept 1903 25 Rbl E. Martin Riga”.

Manual Pedal
Principal 8' Subbass 16'
Flöte 8'
Gamba 8'
Gedeckt 8'
Octav 4'
Flöte 4'
Additionals: Pedalcoppel, Diskantcoppel

Principal8 Octave4 Subbass16 ped kop
Principal8 Octave4 Gedackt8 Flauta4 disc kop Subbass16Ped kop
Gamba8Floete8 Gedackt8 Principal8 Subbass ped kop


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