Zöblitz, Stadtkirche Zöblitz

Schützenstraße 6, 09496 Zöblitz, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder G. Silbermann
Year 1742
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 20
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
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The two manual organ of the Evangelische Stadtkirche Zöblitz in the Ore Mountains was built by Silbermann in 1742. Hence it belongs to his later works. With 20 stops it is a representative of an instrument type that he realized several times, for example in Freiberg, Fraureuth, Reinhardsgrimma and Forchheim. Thanks to a donation the organ could be carefully restored in 1997 so that nowadays it presents itself in an impressive manner. During the restoration it was also possible to uncover the original coloration of the facade.

Hauptwerk Oberwerk Pedal
Principal 8' Gedackt 8' Subbass 16'
Quintadena 8' Rohrflöte 4' Octavbass 8'
Rohrflöte 8' Nassat 3' Posaunenbass 16'
Octava 4' Octava 2'
Spitzflöthe 4' Tertia 1 3/5'
Quinta 3' Quinta 1 1/2'
Octava 2' Sufflet 1'
Mixtur IV Cimbel II
Cornett (c'-c4) III
Additionals: Tremulant, Koppel HW-PD, Koppel OW-HW

J.S. Bach - Choral Vater unser im Himmelreich BWV 737
J.S. Bach - Choral Wie schon leuchtet uns der Morgenstern BWV 739
J.S. Bach - Fantasia et Imitatio b-Moll BWV 563
J.S. Bach - Praeludium et Fuga C-Dur BWV 531
Johann Gottlieb Graun - Concerto ex Gb col Pedale 1748


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