Verden (Aller), Dom St. Maria und Cäcilia

Dom St. Maria und Cäcilia, Lugenstein 8, 27283 Verden (Aller), Germany 🇩🇪
Builder Furtwängler & Hammer
Year 1916
Period/Style Romantic
Stops 54
Keyboards 3+P
Keyaction pneumatic
Tuning Equal at 440 Hz

The Furtwängler & Hammer organ in the Dom St. Maria und Caecilia in Verden is a significant part of the cathedral's musical history. Originally, in 1850, Johann Friedrich Schulze built a 35-stop organ for the cathedral, housed in a beautiful artistic case. However, by 1916, the organ was deemed too small for the space, leading to a complete rebuild by Furtwängler & Hammer. The new organ, constructed in the existing Schulze case, introduced 54 stops across three manuals and a pedal, marking it as a large-scale, late-romantic instrument. Unfortunately, none of the original Schulze pipework survived.

Over time, the Furtwängler & Hammer organ began to deteriorate, but it remained untouched in its structure. In 1986, a restoration effort led by an organ-building society, with work done by Gustav Steinmann, revitalized the instrument, preserving its historical integrity. Today, the organ represents a blend of romantic organ-building traditions, set within a historic framework, offering a deep and rich tonal palette suitable for both liturgical and concert performances.

Manual I Manual II (enclosed) Manual III (enclosed) Pedal
Principal 16' Bordun 16' Quintatön 16' Principalbaß 16'
Major Principal 8' Viola 16' Geigenprincipal 8' Kontrabaß 16'
Doppelflöte 8' Principal 8' Konzertflöte 8' Subbaß 16'
Bordun 8' Gamba 8' Viola 8' Violabaß 16'
Dulziana 8' Quintatön 8' Offenflöte 8' Zartbaß 16'
Fugara 8' Harmonienflöte 8' Gedeckt 8' Zartflöte 8'
Octave 4' Zartflöte 8' Aeoline 8' Flötenbaß 8'
Rohrflöte 4' Dolce 8' Vox coelestis 8' Cello 8'
Kornett III–V Hornprincipal 4' Principalflöte 4' Octavbaß 8'
Mixtur IV Traversflöte 4' Fugara 4' Octave 4'
Posaune 16' Waldflöte 2' Fernflöte 4' Posaune 16'
Trompete 8' Rauschquinte II Flautino 2' Bariton 8'
Mixtur II-III Sesquialtera II
Klarinette 8' Harm. aetheria IV
Oboe 8'
Trompete harm. 8'
Additionals: III/II, III/I, II/I, Super II/I, Super III/I, Super III/II, Super III/III, Sub II/I, Sub II/II, Sub III/II, Sub III/III, III/P, II/P, I/P, Super P/P, various combinations, Swell pedal II, Swell pedal III, Crescendo-Walze (Crescendo roller)

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