Tarragona, Església catedral basílica metropolitana i primada de Santa Tecla de Tarragona (Capella de la Mare de Déu del Claustre)

Catedral de Tarragona, 43003 Tarragona, Spain 🇪🇸
Builder Anonymous
Year 1700
Period/Style Baroque
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Unknown at 414.4 Hz a 20 °C Hz

The organ was built in 1700, when the Chapter of the Cathedral of Tarragona granted Canon Jaume Bover, administrator of the chapel of Our Lady of the Cloister, permission to place it. It was a gift from devotees and the organ is unknown. The outer part of the instrument is very likely to be 1700; in terms of sound material and internal mechanisms, it suggests that it is later, probably by Juan Florenzano (1865).

Starting in February 1985, restoration work began under a project by the organist Gabriel Blancafort, executed by A&K Orgues de Vent, which culminated in 1992. Recently, in 2017, Albert Blancafort has reviewed it in general, including the restoration of the furniture.

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