Stade, St. Wilhadi (Choir Organ)

St. Wilhadi, Kirchhof, 21682 Stade, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder J. Steinhoff
Year ca. 2019
Period/Style Symphonic
Stops 22
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Equal at 440 Hz

The choir organ in St. Wilhadi Church, Stade, built by Jens Steinhoff in 2019, exemplifies a sophisticated blend of French Romantic and symphonic organ traditions. With a rich selection of expressive reeds and foundation stops, the organ is designed for versatility, capable of rendering both delicate and powerful sonorities. The inclusion of harmonic flutes, a variety of string stops, and a full battery of reeds suggests a focus on lyrical, orchestral sounds that are characteristic of 19th-century French organ design. Due to its Bourdon 32, many 8 foot stops and super- and sub-octave couplers, it has a remarkably full sound.

Grand Orgue Recit Expressif Pedale
Bourdon 16 Cor de Nuit 8 Bourdon 32
Montre 8 Viole des Gambe 8 Soubasse 16
Flute harmonique 8 Voix Celeste 8 Flute 8
Salicional 8 Flute Octaviante 4 Violoncelle 8
Bourdon 8 Nazard 2 2/3 Bombarde 16
Prestant 4 Octavin 2 Trompette 8
Tierce 1 3/5
Plein-Jeu III
Trompette harm. 8
Basson Hautbois 8
Additionals: II-I, I-II, I/16, I/4, II/16, II/4, II-I/16, II-I/4, I-P, II-P, II-P/4, Tremolo, Avantgarde (Regulation Wind), Swell pedal (II)

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