Rubí, Església parroquial de Sant Pere de Rubí

Plaça Dr. Guardiet, 9, 08191 Rubí, Spain 🇪🇸
Builder Francisco Aragonès Gerona
Year ca. 1953
Period/Style Modern
Stops 8
Keyboards 1+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Unknown

The organ at the parish of Sant Pere de Rubí was installed between September 28 and October 3, 1953, and inaugurated on October 10 of the same year. The installation location chosen for the organ was the right corner of the choir, as viewed from the nave, and it cost 80,000 pesetas. This placement underwent a significant change post-Vatican II, which aimed to align with the new liturgical directives of the council. The organ was moved from its elevated position in the choir down to a spot near the presbytery to facilitate a more engaging and inclusive liturgical experience.

The organ's configuration includes a pedal board that borrows the 8' and 'Octava 4' stops from the manual, which can also produce a separate high octave up to the note F. This setup, utilizing pneumatic traction, strictly defines the range of the pedal board. Due to this borrowing of stops, there is no coupling available from the manual to the pedal, which influences the organ's versatility and the complexity of the music that can be performed on it. This arrangement reflects the organ's historical context and the technological capabilities at the time of its installation.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: the organ is pending restoration.

Manual Pedal
Bordó (c'/cs') 8' Baix (préstec del Bordó) 8′
Octava (c'/cs') 4′ Principal (préstec de l'Octava) 4′
Querolofó 4′ Tapat (préstec del Bordó) 4′
Quinzena harmònica 2′ Quinzena (préstec de l'Octava (?)) 2′
Additionals: Expressió, Trèmol

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