Raszczyce, Apostołów Szymona i Judy Tadeusza

Raciborska 10, 47-435 Raszczyce, Poland 🇵🇱
Builder Vermeulen
Year ca. 1965
Period/Style Neo-Baroque
Stops 21
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
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The organ of Sts. Simon and Jude Thaddeus Apostles Church in Raszczyce was built in 1965 by the Vermeulen company from Alkmaar. Raszczyce is a village located in Silesian voivodeship in Poland.

Until 2009 the organ served in a church in Almelo in the Netherlands, for which it was built. The instrument was moved to the Raszczyce’s church, where its assembly was finished on 14th of February 2010. Relocation of the instrument didn’t involve any reconstruction or changes in original voicing of stops. Only the distance between the organ case and Rugwerk section was shortened.

The stoplist is in classic neobaroque style, which combined with favorable interior acoustics gives a wonderful listening experience. It is noteworthy that the organ has four mixture stops (for such size of the instrument) creating different gradations of the organ plenum. The organ has tracker key and stop action. A point of interest is the inversed manual coupler (II / I). It is more ergonomic in terms of key action resistance. Manual compass is C-g3, pedal C-f1.

Rugwerk Hoofdwerk Pedaal
Holpijp 8' Prestant 8' Subbas 16'
Prestant 4' Roerfluit 8' Prestant 8'
Roerfluit 4' Octaaf 4' Gedekt 8'
Octaaf 2' Gedekt fluit 4' Octaaf 4'
Scherp IV st. Nasard 2 2/3' Fagot 16'
Cymbel III st. Woudfluit 2'
Kromhoorn 8' Sesquialter II st.
Mixtuur IV st.
Trompet 8'
Additionals: II/I, I/P, II/P


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