Peize, Kerk van Peize

Kerkpad, 9321 CG Peize, Netherlands 🇳🇱
Builder A. Schnitger
Year ca. 1697
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 22
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Werckmeister III at 446 Hz

The organ that now resides in the church of Peize has a rich history dating back to its origins in the Gertruids or Pepergasthuiskerk in Groningen. Originally built in 1631 by Anthoni Verbeeck, the organ underwent repairs and expansions over the years, including significant work by Arp Schnitger in 1696-97. Schnitger's alterations included the addition of a new pedal with five registers and three new bellows, along with the construction of trapezoidal pedal towers in the seventeenth-century Groningen tradition. He also made pointed arched upper lips to imitate Verbeeck's façade pipes.

Maintenance and alterations continued in the following years, with significant changes made by Albert Antonius Hinsch in 1756-58, including the replacement of the Brustwerk with a Rückpositiv and the introduction of new windchests and keyboards. The organ's disposition evolved over time, with modifications by various organ builders, including Peter van Oeckelen in 1862, who sold the existing organ to the Church of Peize.

The organ's journey to Peize marked the end of an era, coinciding with the closure of the last heir to the Schnitger workshop, Herman Eberhard Freytag, in 1863. Freytag's settlement in Peize and subsequent death in 1869 also meant the loss of valuable Schnitger archives, bringing to a close a significant chapter in the history of organ building in the region.

Hoofdwerk Rugpositief Pedaal
Praestant 8' Quintadeen 8' Bourdon 16'
Holpijp 8' Praestant 4' Praestant 8'
Octaaf 4' Fluit 4' Octaaf 4'
Quintadeen 4' Fluit 2' Octaaf 2'
Quint 3' Quint 1 1/3' Mixtuur III
Octaaf 2' Scherp III Trompet 8'
Sesquialter II-III Vox Humana 8'
Mixtuur IV-VI
Dulciaan 8'
Additionals: RP/HW, HW/P, Tremulant RP, 3 Sperrventile§sel=detail&id_nr=5794

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