Obernkirchen, Roman-Catholic Church St. Josef

Heyestraße, 31683 Obernkirchen, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder E. Kemper
Year ca. 1972
Period/Style Neo-Baroque
Stops 17
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Equal at 440.0 Hz

The organ on the north side of the choir/organ loft was built in 1972 by the organ building company E. Kemper & Sohn from Lübeck.
In 2012, it has been remodeled and extended to modern sound expectations by organ builder Jörg Bente (Helsinghausen, Landkreis Schaumburg).
Specifically, the disposition received an additional reed stop Trompete 8' in the Hauptwerk, and stops Blockflöte 2' and Prinzipal 2' were exchanged between Hauptwerk and Rückpositiv.

Today, the instrument has 17 stops on two manuals and pedal.
The key action is purely mechanical, while the stop action is electro-mechanical and allows switching between 3 user combinations (Hdreg., Komb. I, Komb. II) and Tutti.

I Hauptwerk II Rückpositiv Pedalwerk
Prinzipal 8' Gedackt 8' Subbaß 16'
Rohrflöte 8' Weidenpfeife 4' Oktavbaß 8'
Oktave 4' Hohlflöte 4' Choralbaß 4'
Prinzipal 2' Blockflöte 2' Fagott 16'
Mixtur 4f. Sesquialtera 2f.
Trompete 8' Quinte 1 1/3'
Oboe 8'
Additionals: II/I, I/P, II/P, Tremulant II

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