Norden, Ludgerikirche

Am Markt, 28506 Norden, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder A. Schnitger
Year ca. 1692
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 45
Keyboards 3+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning 1/5 Comma Meantone at 460 Hz

The organ at Ludgerikirche in Norden (Ostfriesland) has a notable history dating back to its construction by Arp Schnitger from 1686 to 1688, with further work completed in 1691/92. Schnitger built the organ using some existing registers.

In 1917, the organ's tin prospect pipes were removed for war purposes. The instrument was restored by Furtwängler & Hammer in 1929/30.

Further modifications occurred in 1948 and 1959 when Paul Ott adjusted the pipework due to a reduction in wind pressure.

A comprehensive restoration by Jürgen Ahrend took place between 1981 and 1985. This restoration included the reconstruction of 25 stops, the reinstallation of wedge bellows, wind trunks, stop valves, tremulants, keyboards, and parts of the mechanical action.

Rückpositiv Werck Brust-/Oberpositiv Pedal
Principal 8´ Quintadena 16´ Gedakt 8´ Principal 16´
Gedact 8´ Principal 8´ Plockfloit 4´ Octav 8´
Octav 4´ Rohrfloit 8´ Principal 2´ Octav 4´
Rohrfloit 4´ Octav 4´ Quinta 1 1/2´ Rauschpfeiff 2fach
Octav 2´ Spitzfloit 4´ Scharff 4fach Mixtur 8fach
Waldfloit 2´ Quinta 3´ Regal 8´ Posaun 16´
Ziffloit 1´ Nasat 3´ Hollfloit 8´ Trommet 8´
Sexquialt 2-fach Octav 2´ Octav 4´ Trommet 4´
Tertian 2fach Mixtur 6fach Flachfloit 2´ Cornet 2´
Scharff 6fach Cimbel 3fach Rauschpfeiff 2fach
Dulcian 8´ Trommet 16´ Scharff 4,5,6fach
Trommet 8´
Vox humana 8´
Schalmey 4´
Additionals: Schiebekoppel III-II, Tremulant (RP), Tremulant (OP), Cimbelsterne (RP), Vogelgesang, 5 Sperrventile,_Ludgerikirche

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