Nieuw Scheemda, Kerk van Nieuw Scheemda

Kerkwijk, 9943 PB Nieuw Scheemda, Netherlands 🇳🇱
Builder A. Schnitger
Year 1695
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 8
Keyboards 1+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning 1/6 Comma Meantone

Schnitger's contract in 1695 marked the beginning of the construction of an organ with seven registers for the church in Nieuw Scheemda, a small village with historical ties to neighboring Scheemda. The organ, possibly completed in 1695, stands out as the only 4-foot positive Schnitger built in the Netherlands, featuring a unique layout with the keyboard and palletbox positioned at the front. Unlike the traditional pointed side towers, flat fields were used for practical reasons, and Schnitger employed a windchest accommodating 10 registers.

Over the years, the organ underwent several modifications and repairs by local craftsmen and organ builders. Roelf Const, a watchmaker and amateur organ builder from Nieuw Scheemda, worked on the organ in 1784, and subsequent expansions to the organ loft were made in 1809. Nicolaas Anthonie Lohman carried out repairs and made changes to the disposition in 1810, including the addition of new façade pipes and corrections to the upper lips of the central tower. The organ received carved wings in 1817-18, possibly using fir planks from the roof.

In 1968, Metzler & Sons reconstructed the organ to its original state as much as possible, reusing the tin façade pipes from 1810 and replacing the bellows with a new wedge bellows. However, the wing pieces from 1817 were not reinstalled. Further improvements were made in 1988 by Bernhardt Edskes, who enhanced the wind system and corrected voicing and tuning. Additionally, in 1990, the organ case in Nieuw Scheemda received early eighteenth-century wing ornaments from a former baroque organ in Eppenhuizen, adding to its historical and decorative significance.

Manuaal Pedaal (always attached)
Holpijp 8'
Quintadena 8'
Praestant 4'
Fluit 4'
Quint 3'
Octaav 2'
Mixtuer III
Trompet 8'
Additionals: Tremulant§sel=detail&id_nr=5783

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