Neuenkirchen, St. Nikolai

Klütenstieg 2, 25569 Neuenkirchen, Germany 🇩🇪
Builder J. D. Busch
Year ca. 1785
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 10
Keyboards 2+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning 1/4 Comma Meantone at 470 Hz

The small village of Neuenkirchen, situated directly on the Stör, boasts one of the jewels of the Rantzau-Münsterdorf organ landscape: the organ in the beautiful St. Nicolai Church was built in 1785 by Johann Daniel Busch. The instrument was overhauled and restored in 1999 by the Dutch organ building company Reil.

Stylistically, the instrument remains fully committed to the Baroque period; in terms of disposition, one actually finds the concept of a larger single-manual organ divided into two keyboards.

Due to its almost original sound, high-quality organ craftsmanship, and unequal temperament, it is excellently suited for the performance of smaller Baroque works.

Obermanual Untermanual Pedal (attached to Untermanual))
Principal 8′ Gedackt 8′
Octave 4′ Flöte 4′
Quinte 3′ Waldflöte 2′
Mixtur 3fach Sesquialtera 2fach
Trompete 8′
Vox humana 8′
Additionals: Tremulant, II/I, Zimbelstern, Calcantenruf, Sperrventile

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