Mērsrags, Mērsraga Evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca

9, Bākas iela, Liepkalni, 3284 Mērsrags, Latvia 🇱🇻
Builder M. Kresling
Year 1892
Period/Style Romantic
Stops 5
Keyboards 1+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical

Based on the construction and history of the organ, it appears to have been created in several stages. The wind chests, bellows, and some wooden pipes were built in the style of August Martin during the 1840s-1850s. On the back of the pedal coupler, there is a pencil inscription that reads "ANO 1892." Inside the case, near the console, there is a label indicating transport by rail from Krustpils to Tukums station. These facts suggest that the instrument was assembled as a unified whole in 1892, utilizing older components. The pedal keyboard and some other details resemble the style of the Jēkabpils organ builder Mārtiņš Krēsliņš.

In 1924, after World War I, the organ was restored and repaired by Jānis Grosbarts. It is believed that he installed metal pipes from the A. Laukhuff firm, as well as made wooden pipes for the Floete 8' and Bourdon 16' registers in the treble. It seems he also applied felt/leather stickers on the valves.

On the back of the music desk, there is an inscription: "Intermediate repair, intonation, tuning, cleaning of the mechanism 1958. VI P.Malinovski - Riga."

In 1996, Viesturs Ilsums installed a used organ motor and made a throttle and air duct. Later, the motor's bearings were replaced with ball bearings. From around 2000, the organ was not played. From October 2003 to May 2004, the organ was restored by "Melbārža mūzikas instrumentu darbnīca."

Manual Pedal (always attached)
Bourdon 16'
Principal 8'
Gamba 8'
Flöte 8'
Octav 4'
Additionals: Octavcoppel, Kalkantenruf

plenum nav kopel
gamba flauta octavkopel


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