Moreira, Mosteiro de São Salvador de Moreira

Alameda Padre Alcino Azevedo Barbosa, 4470-197 Moreira, Portugal 🇵🇹
Builder A. Schnitger
Year ca. 1701
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 12
Keyboards 2
Keyaction tracker/mechanical

The medieval monastery church of São Salvador de Moreira belongs to the town of Moreira and lies about 10 kilometers north of Porto. The richly decorated church building was rebuilt in the baroque style in the first half of the eighteenth century, with a new interior.

The organ is situated on a small gallery on the north wall of the church placed next to the high western gallery. The sound of the very small organ is very clear in this large church with its impressive acoustics.

Since archives referring to this organ have not yet been found, only the instrument itself can provide information about its date and origin. There is an inscription of great importance as follows:

“An[no Domi] 1701 the 9th May
Is th[is organ fin]ished. Then
the In[strument?] by the hands of
Mr. H.H. Arp Schnitger
Organ maker in Hamburg ''

The other text is no longer readable. This inscription is located on the inside of the old bellows boards that are damaged and pierced by later alterations. In the two pointed towers two inscriptions were found during the restoration work which were inscribed while they were in the Schnitger carpentry workshop:

1 “Employed by Mr. Schnitger ” and
2 ''Johan Bunda carpenter has made
this case. Anno 1701 ''

The concept of this organ is very similar to the organ in Dedesdorf. We are dealing here with the compact Schnitger model, where in order to accommodate two manuals in one case he constructed a double windchest. Xxx In the lower case there is even room for the bellows.

At an unknown date the original small two-manual instrument was converted into a single-manual organ, and the keyboard was moved from the front to the back. Fortunately, however, the Schnitger pipework remained. Only the tin façade pipes were corroded so far that they had to be replaced.

The case and carvings are made of the best oak. Only the new wings on the sides of the case are carved from a different wood.

In 2001, a thorough restoration was carried out by the Georg Jann workshop, located near Moreira. Here, the console was returned to the front of the organ, and the keyboard and key action of the forward division were reconstructed. The wind supply was returned to the lower case using the preserved old bellows plates. The operation of the feeder bellows is now possible again from behind the back of the case.

Vorderwerk Hinterwerk
Principal 4' Gedackt 8'
Holzflöte 8' Blockflöte 4'
Quinte 3'
Octave 2'
Quinte 1 1/3'
Octave 1'
Sesquialtera III
Mixtur IV
Dulcian 16'
Trompete 8'
Additionals: Schiebekoppel§sel=detail&id_nr=5819

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