Montserrat, Basílica de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat

Builder Blancafort OM SL
Year ca. 2010
Period/Style Modern
Stops 62
Keyboards 4+P
Keyaction electro-pneumatic
Tuning Bach-Kellner at 441.2 Hz at 20 °C Hz

The Basilica of Montserrat, located in Catalonia, Spain, is renowned for its rich musical tradition, particularly in organ music, which has been a significant part of its liturgical practices for centuries. This tradition is supported by the "Escola de Montserrat," a lineage of monk organists and composers who have been musically enriching the church's services since the 16th century. The basilica has hosted various organs over the years, tailored to the needs of each era. In 2010, a monumental new organ was inaugurated, built by Blancafort Orgueners Musics, SL. This new organ was designed to meet the demands of daily liturgical accompaniment and to handle the entire organ repertoire featured both in services and the highly attended "Organ of Montserrat, Abat Cassià Just In Memoriam" International Festival held every summer.

The design and features of the new organ reflect contemporary styles while drawing on the historic Catalan organ tradition. Positioned at the side of the nave, this grand organ reaches 13.5 meters in height and features a façade with 16-foot principal pipes, comprising 4,242 pipes across 63 registers, distributed among four manuals and a pedal board. It can be played mechanically from the main console or electrically from a console in the presbytery, demonstrating a blend of modern and traditional organ-building techniques. The organ is not only a significant liturgical and concert instrument but also a complex piece of machinery, echoing the deep musical heritage of Montserrat and its continuous role in enriching the cultural landscape of the region.

I. Cadireta II. Orgue Major III. Expressiu IV. Batalla Pedal
Quintant 16' Flautat major 16’ Viola 16’ Trompeta de batalla 8’ - 8’ Greu 32’
Cara 8' Bordó major 16’ Flauta Harmònica 8’ Violetes me. 2’ Contrabaix 16’
Bordó de fusta 8' Principal 8’ Gamba 8’ Trompeta magna md. 16’ Principal 16’
Salicional 8' Flauta de fusta 8’ Corn de Nit 8’ Baixons me. 4’ Subbaix 16’
Octava 4' Espigueta 8’ Veu celest 8’ Clarins clars md. 8’ Contres 8’
Tapadet 4' Octava 4’ Flauta cònica 4’ Baix 8’
Nasard 12a 2 2/3′ Flauta 4’ Octaviant 4’ Coral 4’
Quinzena 2’ Dotzena 2 2/3’ Sesquialtera 2 2/3’+ 1 3/5’ Composta 5f 2 2/3’
Nasard 17a 1 3/5’ Quinzena 2’ Octaví 2’ Bombarda 16’
Larigot 1 1/3’ Dissetena 1 3/5’ Progressió har. 3-5f 2 2/3’ Trompeta 8’
Septinona 2f. 1 1/7’ Plens 5f 2’ Fagot 16’ Clarí 4’
Flautí 1’ Cimbalet 3f 2/3’ Oboè 8’
Címbal 4f 1’ Corneta 5f 8’ Trompeta harmònica 8’
Regal 16’ Bombarda 16’ Clarí harmònic 4’
Clarinet 8’ Trompeta real 8’ Veu humana 8’
Cromorn 8’
Additionals: I/II, III/II, IV/II, Sub I, Sub II, Sub III, Super I, Super II, Super III, I/P, II/P, III/P, IV/P, Trèmol CAD, Trèmol EXP, Swell pedal (EXP)

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