Montpon Ménestérol, Galician Organ

Rue de Chandos 6, 24700 Montpon Ménestérol, France 🇫🇷
Builder Anonymous
Year ca. 1690
Period/Style Baroque
Stops 9
Keyboards 1
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Werckmeister III
Sampleset Available Problem loading image... , sampled by Sonus Paradisi

The Galician organ, part of the collection of Francis Chapelet at Montpon-Ménestérol, is a notable historical instrument originally from the former monastery of Mondoñedo in Galicia. Built by an anonymous organ builder at the end of the 17th century, this instrument showcases the craftsmanship and design typical of its era.

Restored by Pierre Chéron in 1977, the Galician organ retains several distinctive features. The single manual of the organ is divided between middle c and c#, and the pedal is permanently coupled to the lowest octave of the manual. The instrument features a short octave.

The Galician organ, while modest in size, offers a rich historical sound and a glimpse into the organ-building tradition of 17th century Spain. Its preservation and integration into the modern context of Montpon-Ménestérol highlight the dedication to maintaining and celebrating these cultural treasures.

Flautado 8'
Octava 4'
Docena 2 2/3'
Quincena 2'
Decinovena 1 1/3'
Lleno III
Trompeta/Corneta 8'
Bajoncillo/Clarin 4'-8'
Dulziana 8'

1596209388-Puxol-Obra de 6.tom-Galician
1596209289-Cabanilles-Pasacalles IV-Galician

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