Montbrió del Camp, Església parroquial de Sant Pere Apòstol

Sant Pere, 43340 Montbrió del Camp, Spain 🇪🇸
Builder Josep Folch
Year 1792
Period/Style Baroque
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Well-Tempered at 438.8 Hz a 20 °C Hz

Instrument built in 1792 by Josep Folch de Riudecanyes. It was plundered during the Civil War.

The desire to recover the instrument began, in the mid-1970s, being rector Mn. Josep M. Cabré, with the Pro-Restoration Commission of the Organ; initiatives such as the Salvem l’orgue de Montbrió campaign; adhesions and donations from many villagers; church colleagues; aid from official bodies, etc. until August 1978, the order was restored by Gernzer The process continues in phases until in 1992, two hundred years after its construction, the organ of Montbrió reappeared in fullness.1

In 2016, he was in charge of a review of the mechanics, a re-harmonization and a modification of the composition of the Wilfried Praet plenary sessions.

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