Lędziny, St. Clement

Kościół św. Klemensa, 43-140 Lędziny, Poland 🇵🇱
Builder C. Volkmann
Year ca. 1888
Period/Style Romantic
Stops 11
Keyboards 1+P
Keyaction tracker/mechanical
Tuning Equal at 440 Hz
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Lędziny is a town located in south Poland, in Upper Silesian Industrial Region. Parish of Lędziny is one of the oldest on Upper Silesia. The first mention about the parish comes from XIII century. The present church was built in 1769. The church is located on a small mountain and it is a good vantage point.

The organ was thouroughly renovated in 1999-2000 by mgr inż. Olgierd Nowakowski. It has tracker key and stop action. Manual compass is C-f3, pedal C-d1.

Manual Pedal
Principal 8 Fuß Subbaß 16 Fuß
Salicet 8 Fuß Principalbaß 8 Fuß
Portunal-Flöte 8 Fuß Violoncello 8 Fuß
Flaut major 8 Fuß
Principal 4 Fuß
Flauto traverse 4 Fuß
Quinte 2 2/3 Fuß Octave 2 Fuß
Mixtur 2 fach
Additionals: Calcanten Ruf, Pedal coppel


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